turns out that cade joiner, well, he used to be the chairman of the georgia college republican party, how about that? that makes i guess you could say, two fair and balanced guests to talk about obama care? question mark? steve curry and cade joiner are republicans with agendas who have always hated the democrats and obama care from day one. this type of reporting is par for the course for fox news. i just want to make sure we all know it's even on the sunday show, where it's supposed to be all journalism. few weeks ago, sean hannity interviewed five people, count ep, five people with real stories about obama care, causing them tremendous harm. salon.com did some actual reporting on the real stories and it turns out obama care would have saved these people thousands of dollars if they enrolled in obama care. the guests with the uninsured child due to a preexisting condition would receive coverage at a lower cost. then, of course, we have the kids of the curvy couch. their lies of misinformation take the cake. >> we have a special guest with us here. her breast cancer is in remission,