here they are chanel and caesar welsh corgi pembroke felt british bearing, but more importantly, twiceear, the puppies brought offspring dispersed, like hot cakes, the owners did not want to keep them at home, for some reason, and decided to settle separately. they say the garage they got out so that the dogs could walk, even made an extension, although the content, frankly, in no way in britain well, the wife cleaned the garage, it seems that the heated light was on around the clock , there were food and water supplies, but professional corgi breeders had such an attitude. there are questions these dogs are very they are attached to people for a long time, left without an owner, they are very bored and even become depressed very, well, categorically he needs communication. he can not be with a person, therefore, in my understanding. it is not humane to keep a dog in a garage without human presence, even if there is an opportunity there, it is another problem corgis are now very popular. such a puppy can cost about 60,000. those who only want to earn money do not think about the conten