>> no question, we had cahill come on board at the later stages of design to help with the construction, details, flexing of systems, that sort of thing. >> we're fortunate today to have john with us, who was a soil engineer. one of the design teams, one of the original first persons to be looking at this project is the soil engineer. they look at where the building will be built, what is the soil like, and how we make the building hit the ground. people say, you go down to bedrock. are we going down to bedrock? is there bad rap here? >> -- is there bad rap here? >> darrius bad rap, but it is deep. below the march lehr, 35 feet down is where we start. it is dense, hard sand, almost as hard as concrete. these piles go down about 15 feet into that sand. of the lotus transferred from the pile caps -- the load is transferred from the pile caps into the dense san lehr. >> there is a pile cat. what that means is after they put in the pile, they put in a steel cap? >> it is a concrete cap. it ties more than one piled together. >> that transfers the load from the building structure onto the pil