t.v. to something that herman cain wants to put out there take a look at cain t.v. . contraceptive coverage regulations. if they make me pay for my birth control pills or and we distribute in the world i learned in school spreading the wealth is good for everyone we'll learn from real money that it's not. true or it gets cold fish let's go and. we're not. lodging on july fourth herman cain has twitter facebook for the site that was the trailer and it's project called teen t.v. let's give a lamb a gun i don't read it i don't go for i have do you know because i honestly have no idea what that's a reference to i guessing it's like some political thing about the lambs were following you know but it was something that you know it's one of. the most reasonable thing that herman cain has said in a long time so i think we should just let it roll i don't now i'm going to watch obviously i can't i honestly can't imagine not imagine anything more interesting and hilarious than herman cain's television show i read i didn't find that trailer all that interesting or hilarious that