. >> caipirinhas. >> caipirinha. >> did i mention caipirinhas? they do those here, too. >> what's magical about this cocktail is the first taste, it's like i don't know, man, it's a little too something. then like that second sip, it's like oh, that's kind of good. then the third sip, it's where are my pants? fortunately, food in these parts tends to be, shall we say, hearty. for instance, a delightful meal of fried meat with plenty of absorbent starch product like farofa, the perfect accompaniment to many, many caipirinhas. >> oh, excellent. obrigado. now we're talking. it's a tough town for vegetarians. oh, chorizo, good. i'll have six more of these, please. people are staring at me. look at the heathen hump of an american, how much he's eating. just line them up, my friend. thank you. obrigado. yeah. ♪ so nice walking around here. the party component's really amazing. there's always drums somewhere. ♪ >> [ speaking foreign language ] ♪ >> welcome to salvador, my friend. >> good to be here again. >> oh, yeah? >> love it here. >> please. one cup for you, man. welcome to