justice cairns thomas called it an effort to avoid a politically controversial but legally correct decisionit comes on the heels of monday's landmark decision in that transgender and gay rights case and yesterday on twitter, president trump lashed out. he called the decisions horrible and politically charged. and he quickly pivoted to november saying we need more justices. vote trump 2020. now the ruling sends the case back to the department of homeland security to try again to justify why it should end this program. that is unlikely to happen before november, which puts the issue of immigration, the make-up of the supreme court squarely in the november election. to tony? >> it sure does. jan crawford, thank you. >>> while daca supporters celebrated outside the supreme court yesterday, many so-called dreamers acknowledged there will be more legal battles to stay in the united states. cbs news contributor maria elena salinas spoke to some of them to get their reaction. so they went from celebration to more concern. what did you learn? >> good morning, tony. while dreamers across the country