,s w s s dend others, the number of drone attacks, for example, was more, twice as much caishathe bush ministration initiated only with obama using much more emphasis on killing rather than capturing fo tt no v tag bat guna,llng re h sy cadn the same war as george bush with slightly different rhetorical definition. >> ain, meano ay coervaveouar a aeratlld le to do with outaeda. american boots on the ground in muim landsasaou ily vasmnt aai s its american. the a different one is to bring ameran troops home, to reduce the u.s. military ftprint,nd thisason oisaj. tiacem mainabted iraq. they said, no, we won't give you legal immunity. they accepted a limited search, but we know barack oama does po iacrobaeec ra a morleal a li. he has given the security establishment natal tec fatsi omaaid i nts w. an a qda to be dismantled. do anything you want. we cannot document the extent anore. ecoperio fce thaty heas ery pt qaeda does not exist as an organization. six of seven. it no lonr -s ceas to t aol rentook vey/11 w qaeda. that document the organization no longer ests, your talking about very, very few survi