what you see there is a little toddler named caitlin campbell stuck inside one of those video arcade s with the big claws. >> wait, wait, she's inside it? >> she is inside of that claw machine. >> caitlin went with her family to the commonwealth coin laundry to do some laundry and she was playing with some other kids in the laund row mat and crawled up inside. they tried several different methods to get her out. >> they were going to try to start picking the lock, but the mechanism on the lock wouldn't allow them to pick ut. and then they tried to unscrew the sides, they tried to up screw those. >> what you're sering here is them using a circular saw to actually saw through the lock. and, as you can see by caitlin's face, this was not fun for her. she started getting really terrified. watch, keep watching as caitlin is pulled out of the machine and into the arms of her family. >> so a huge fire department rescue, you mean to tell me there's no 800 number on the side of the machine so the company can come down and open it? >> i'm okay with the bunch of firefighters showing up to save a