cbs's caitlyn huey-burns is in washington on the hill. caitlint with that government funding question. there are two approaches. is it possible to tell me what the difference in those two approaches are? >> reporter: yes, john. basically all republicans here on capitol hill want to pass the president's priorities. but they are at odds about how to do it. and the challenge really is on the approach, because they know they have a fragile majority in the house especially, and they also know that they have kind of an unreliable actor in the white house. knowing that he could blow it all up. we have seen that game before, and so, what the senate decided to do was they decided to break this up a bit. they want to tackle emigration funding and national security funding, some energy priorities as well. get that done first, and then in a second bill talk about some of these tax cuts of the president wants to make permanent. the house, however, has a whole different ball game, john. they have a very narrow majority, you have a handful of republicans who do