day before apparently huguely had apparently also exchanged some racy, provacative e-mails with caitlin taylor, even though they had never had that kind of a relationship. the public, the media could not see what those texts said. they sounded embarrassing. they were facing just the jury and taylor told them at one point she had a boyfriend. also heard from a guy named ken clawson, a fellow la crosse player. he said he was yeardley love's best friend, and he testified that around the time that yard -- around the time of yeardley love's death, huguely came back in, was acting very, very strangely, he asked him repeatedly what's wrong with you and got no response. jc. >> we'll continue to follow this story throughout the afternoon. we'll have the latest information on our website, thank you very much, bruce lashan. >>> there were nine lives lost and 52 others injured, nearly three years after the metro redline crash, the agency is now admitting some blame. dealia gonsal has the very latest. reporter: family members posted this memorial of family members and victims on the overpass las