it is in our blood for the bay area council to have formed cal apec. they were the group to convince world leaders to come here to discuss the most important issues of the day. we are honored that you have chosen san francisco for the spirit we plan to do you proud, mr. ambassador, members of our team at the state department. this is exciting stuff for the bay area council and we will be behind it all the way. improving our global competitiveness as a region is what the bay area council is all about. everything we do is all about that. for that reason, having aipac here in san francisco, it is kind of like nirvana and to members of the bay area council, who is a global company. we are pleased that you made the announcement earlier that we would be selected to do this. now we just have to make it happen. just a couple of data points. california businesses combined $300 billion with their counterparts and apec economies. of course, more than any other state. we have two-way shipping. we are a gateway for merchandise shipping. california has the most fore