if kanye west came out and said, danny, i'm happy for you, but cal penn is the bestactor of all time,hat surprised. >> you mention cal p penn because -- you're half indi and half -- >>polish. >> polish. >>>> surprise. >> but most of t the roles you t cast for, you don't seem like typical poll. >> i know. i played two sjays in 2007. >> is that right? >> so th was kind of fun. >> pretty fun. >> i haven't played any polish characters yet. >> surprisingly, yeah. [ laughter ] now, i have a photograph.. thiss ---- you grew up i chicago, as you mentioned. >> yes. >> this is a -- soou'r're really polish, , ke tthe e int of -- t's seif we can figu out which kid in the groupup is you >> don't tell us. it will be a surprise. [ laughter ] close, warm, warm, wa. warm, warmer. oh, there's kakathy. there! . >> thais you right there. byby the way, you u look deligh to be there. [ lalaughthter ] >> every turday. sohside chchicago. grew up, my mom made me go. >> what became of him? >> that guhatepoli dancing more than i did. >> he either hated it or loved it.. and d soso you're a polish danc. >> i am,