and the existing westbound off ramp is on the left side which frankly from a cal transtandpoint is sub standard. so the purpose of this project is to improve that situation. we have prepared a draft of environmental impact report, environmental statement, in cooperation with caltrans. the transportation authority is the -- [indiscernible] the document was issued for public comment. starting on february 25. and comments were received all the way up until april 11 of this year. let's jump into the two alternatives. the no build, as discussed before, very sub standard. and even as part of the bay bridge project, minimal improvements were proposed as part of the project. alternative 2about. in the diagram, the reconstruction of the westbound offramp is the off ramp in blue. in essence, as you're heading into san francisco on the east side of the island, the off ramp would be on the right side. you would go ahead and get off the off ramp and be able to go left or right. the project also proposes to reconstruct the westbound on ramp. and that is in the color orange. so in essence of what's c