calais's newest tented city, where people wait before they attempt to cross the channel. wanting a swift departure across the channel and away from conditions like these. akam, from iran, told me he had been on a dinghy that sank. it's very, you know, dangerous. we thought we will die. you thought you would die? yes. but after the french big boat come help us. but you'll try again? i don't know. i'm really scared. from the air and from the land, the police, bolstered by british cash, are attempting to prevent the boats launching and stop deaths at sea. last year was the deadliest on record for channel crossings, the beach littered with failed attempts. more than 36,000 people crossed the channel in small boats last year. the british government has recently toughened up rules, making it almost impossible for someone who arrives in the uk that way to become a british citizen. but the mayor of the seaside village of ambleteuse, stephane pinto, has joined other officials in calling for the british prime minister to visit the calais region to see first—hand the pressure small