>> i came here to help you, caleb wilson, and almost got blown to kingdom come for my trouble. now, this is the end, the final en what's all this help you're talking about? >> it's this. >> that's plain rock. what about it? >> what about it? it's rock. >> oh, he never could talk straight. stop makin' riddles, lem carson. >> they wouldn't be riddles if you'd keep your eyes and ears open, caleb wilson. i always did say you went around with your feet in the clouds. >> what a funny place to put we brought you this afternoon? >> yeah, and it's all just like that. >> lem carson, if this is another one of your tricks... >> mr. wilson, i don't think this is a trick. pancho, you and i are going to take a ride. >> cisco, these rocks, they don't got no gold inside? >> no, of course they don't. come on. it's locked, pancho. >> it's locked? hey, cisco, sometimes this works and sometimes it don't work. this time it don't work. well, what're you gonna do now, huh? it's open. >> (laughs) nobody home, eh? >> no, it's locked, all right. hey, pancho, you better search that thing over there. >> he