brown: the reporter, identified as michelle lg, was on her first assnment in afghanisn for the "calgary herald." the taliban has aimed responsibity for all of yeerday's violence and said th the attack against the cia was caied out by a taliban sympathizer from the afgha army. the afghan defenceinistry respondethat no afghan soldiers were inlved. for more on the attack in kht we turn to jy warrick who cors the intelligence community at the "washingt post." >> whas been learned about how the tack was carried out, howhe bomber got on to the base? >> officially deils are coming out very slowly about this incident. know that there were earlreports about someone wearina europe, perhaps a guard or sebody who was on thbasement but more information as wdevelop more information ilooks like it may have bn actually an inform apt who was invited toome to the base as often happento provide information to c op ratives. this happens routinely, this base where people re brought in to be recruit as sources. and this may he been something ke that. >> among the dead, the senior officer at thpost, a oup of