and it was set up because of prop 30 and if you go to page 87 c you will get that state of california cde has put together a separate resource for this money. and basically has a separate object code. and at our kind of our number it is like 20 percent of your revenue limit and it runs about 55 million we are supposed to be getting our 12, 13, money which is a big number, the 27th of june. and 13, 14, it will come we will receive a portion, like $56 million and that money cannot be spent on any administrative costs have you to show and that is what you are showing here under these particular function codes, 1000, 1999 and that that is instruction >> all of the money that we get from this revenue source which the state tells that we have to account for differently, we are saying that we are spending all that have money on teachers. and it is just a accounting exercise. correct? >> yes. >> it is correct. >> okay. i just thought that we should try to understand that and we will, you know, as we begin to understand, hopefully more of the new funding structure and we hope that it will make sen