transportation at five intersections, and health risk related to toxic air contaminants. therefore, the commission would need to adopt a statement of overriding considerations pursuant to the california environmental quality act, we could request the commission adopt the project before you, and to which the final eir was prepared, it's with the ceqa guidelines. this concludes my presentation on the matter unless the commission members have any comments? >> commissioner antonini? >> thank you for your comments and particular reference and i was going to make the same comment in regards to responses to public comment and as i understand it and you pointed out under ceqa, you can't take into consideration the impact that something that is conceptual has not been funded or analyzed, it's the other way around, when that particular project would come up and you would have to look at this and there's no way of knowing what impacks that would bring, it might improve traffic flow as i think has been the case with the freeway not being there, i think we had more congestion when that was being presented. the other question i have and typically the period of time between the end of the draft eir