. >> one app is calla lily. i can make my tasks and schedule for me. >> retail path is an amazing site run by a woman who is a former target buyer. is and she's got great resources on there. everything from marketing to how to communicate with the retail. it's just got a lot of resources that are very difficult to find in the industry. all in one place. >>> as we go about our days at work, there are 1,000 things coming at us. any of them can throw us off. the thing that makes them not throw us off is called microresilience. at least it is at bonnie st. john. i love talking about this topic with you because there's nobody more resilient than you. you have experienced so much in your life, and here you are. >> when i was at the paralympics i was the number one ranked skier going into the second round of the slalom race. and i thought, i can win this race. but as i was going down the hill, i fell. and i was so disappointed. i thought missed chances are over. but my training was always to finish the race. i jumped u