woman wanted aarestraining orddrraaainst er ex when he he chased er around the table as he judge calleddforhelp. & eventually a deputy came in -3 and tassred thh ex boyfriend, bringgng tte ttack tooa swift enn.. the woman had iior pnjuries and will reeoverr tte boofrrend s behind barr -3 and ffciin numerous new charges. 3 aaperfect sunny day that made --3 us all ffrget it's still jjauary. jannary..-& 3 aan it looks like it's going - 3& let's go to chief 3 look at what's happening nnw. & drivingglesson. the susppcts'' lacc of ommon sense that &&pwooked etter hhn any & security system. you have o see ii tt peliive it. the wave aad the surferrthat may have ssattered a worll's rrecrd. -3 3 p3 enntor john kkrry was confirmed this eeening assthe nexttsecrrtaryyof state. state. 3& the vvtt wass94 to 33innthe senate. kerry willltake state clinton and is the first -3 nee member of presidentt & obama's second term caainet.. kerry is the 8th person to &phold the post siice thomas & jefferson inn1789. 3 3 forget an alarm system, &pcriminal lack oo common senne that stopppd a ccajacking in 3 fall down a