now the callison story. we did not know the story. there were articles and cousins who were convinced that the kallison came from sudan, not from russia. but the story as they learn more about it is this. beneath 10 kallison was one of three brothers who lived in a small village called latte drinker in the ukraine not too far from cheah. i learned the history of 900 years of in russia and desires who ranged from semi-friendly to cool and brutal. i never would have learned that history if i hadn't gone looking for records that may send kallison and russia. at the age of 17, in 1890, may send kallison's mother pushed him out the door push them out the door and he began a long arduous journey by foot, by wagon, finally by train to third class bonk on a ship heading for the united states. he brought his brothers out. he brought his mother out. they were in chicago, illinois where again he started his business, this one room harness shop in 1896. in 1896, we were in the midst of the greatest depression in this country's history until 1933.