damian: and we're back with pedro aquihua perez of calpulli tonalehqueh talking about the mexica new year celebration coming up in san jose the 10th through the 12th of march. and i've seen you in your vestuario, and--is it the more experience you have the more plumas that you get to wear, or how does that work? pedro aquihua perez: yeah. good question, damian. that is very much so what happens. you know, we take our regalia very seriously. it's part of our medicine. it's part of our culture that, you know, we employ and that we have. and so everything has a meaning. it's not just random. it's not just because i like the color blue or green or what have you. it's all related to our name, to everything that is important in our lives. and so our regalia is a representation of that, and the feathers, you know, are very special to us. they're sacred. they are earned. and so, you know, dancers that are beginning will earn their feathers based on the work that they've put in; you know, everything that they do to support themselves, their family, their community. as they grow older, as they