talk about calpulli tonalehqueh.alli: calpulli tonalehqueh is a beautiful space to learn and to reconnect and to be in community, to just learn about the different ways to honor and connect with our culture. it's--to me, it's been a gateway for learning in my journey of spirituality. yeah, not only am i there with my family, my dad, and my partner, but it's beautiful to connect with everyone around there. damian: and i don't know much about danza azteca other than i love it. i love watching it, i love experiencing it. but is it for you who participates in something like this, is there sort of an internal cleansing that you feel either after one dance or maybe after this weekend full of festivities? quetzalli: definitely. dance and the space, it's a place of healing, not only with the smoke from the copal, but also the different elements, like the plants, the drums, the rhythm. it's all about being in harmony, so that's part of the offering that you give as a dancer is your energy. so, that's part of the cleansing as