they called it caltex.was the pre-opec era, when seven private oil companies, the seven sisters, controlled most of the world's crude reserves and productions. in 1984, with the industry's big players starting to consolidate, socal bought gulf oil in what was the largest takeover ever. the new company took its name from the old socal brand -- chevron. before long, megamergers were the norm. bp snapped up amaco and arco. exxon acquired mobil. chevron purchased texaco in 2001 and unocal in 2005. now it is one of the world's most profitable companies, with earnings of almost $20 billion year and a market cap of $200 billion. there is a lot that chevron shares with the other major producers beyond profits and a standard oil ancestry. it is frequently the target of protests over climate change, environmental damage, and human rights violations in developing countries. [chanting] >> chevron. >> guilty. >> chevron. >> guilty. erik: there is even an international anti-chevron day. plus, chevron ranks up there among