calvin gibbs is the highest-ranking soldier charged with allegedly targeting afghan civilians and makingasualties of the taliban. prosecutors also say gibbs removed body parts from his alleged victims to keep them as souvenirs. >>> a big change in who gets the throne in the united kingdom, which would apply to any kids that will and kate may have. sons and daughters of british monarchs will have an equal right to the throne. as it stands, a younger brother takes precedence over a first-born girl. >>> architects have come up with a new building that goes very deep, not high 65 stories down not up t is designed to address two problem, shortage of space and laws limiting building height. anderson, back to you. >>> erin burn set ahead at 11 p.m. eastern what is next? >> we are going to talk about half the republican party, the half that really matters that is the tea party. we have got two key members of the tea party on the show. by the way, will the are 5,000 groups identify themselves as quote unquote tea parties. we are going to talk to them and find out from the man himself, from the gr