. >> calvin walsh, kezar advisory committee representing the haight-ashbury velocity. i would second the remarks of miss emery and believe those involved in the hank recycling center know that the haight-ashbury council and other group were on opposite side of that issue. we are on the same side of this issue. this is a critically important facility. your advisory committee has spent the last 25 years of its life, some of it very fun, and invigorating, ensuring that the facility is a recreational facility, aimed at youth sports. an integral part of that mission is the track. we have the state qualifying city championships there. we have the high school championships and middle school championships there. track meets there. it is critically important that this facility be maintained, since it was produced at all of our expense by a general obligation bond. we would urge you strongly to communicate in writing to the mayor's office with a copy to the board of supervisors, urging your priority for funding of the repair of the track in this fiscal year. thank you. >> thank