>> calvin welch, san francisco information clearing house which is a member [inaudible] i want to speak in support of this measure and thank supervisor kim and avalos for their sponsorship and urge supervisor tang to join with them in sponsoring this important issue before the ballot. it is important to understand that this amends the existing administrative code that limits only to very low income homeless housing. the disposition of surplus base land. it is not at all correct if the implication of the office of work force and economic development or your comment supervisor tang that this ignores the needs from the affordable housing community of the plight of middle income people in this town. this ordinance will allow surplus base land to go as high as 150 percent of medium. another point that is often lost and i'm kind of taken aback by the mayors office of work force development, the largest housing subsidy in the nation goes to the middle class. not to low income people and that is the mort gj tax deduction. by a factor of 10 to 1, it out numbers huds budget that pays of every oth