cam howard. well, we're going to take a look at few instances that have taken a place over the years and and why african-americans are demanding reparations. slavery launched modern capitalism and actually turned the united states into the wealthiest country in the world, looking at this cotton production. i mean, by the 1830, 77% of us cotton was used for the british textile industry. and look at that, 2.25 billion pounds of cotton in 1859, and you know the cotton actually built new york city as a commercial and financial center, and if you look at the whole worth after the outbreak of of the civil war, and the values of slaves, $3 billion dollars, 48% of total wealth in the south in 1860s, so very valuable commodity, the... emancipation though of african-americans did not bring about any type of economic freedom, there were continual policies to make sure that they never got their rights, starting off of course with not getting the 40 acres in a mule, however the slave owners in the south, they