really understand the complexity of this issue, to not only know and understand the intra-- intra camacho sees of the law, but how it impacts people. and as a legislator, i learned something new everyday and i just, on a very personal note, i want to thank supervisor farrell supervisor breed for taking the time to do that because i think that made a really big difference. i'm glad that other people were thanked, for supervisor breed, thank you for the [inaudible]. but i want to close with a more personal note of gratitude and everyone knows about the road of helen. but i particularly want to acknowledge an individual who has been from my perspective, intrumental -- instrumental to get to go this point, the amazing paul kumar who has just provided from a great deal of clarity, a great deal of guidance and a level headedness that was truly needed. and so it's a very great day as supervisor kim said not only for workers but businesses in san francisco, and let's close this loophole. thank you. >> thank you supervisor. with that, colleagues can we take this item same house, same call. without