my name is vitor, i'm the author of a forthcoming book with cambridge university press on the role of the state, so i had to discuss some of these issues. i have just one comment and one question, you know? the comment is that the view that adam smith had a very limited role of the state is really not correct for the time. this was an enormous expansion of the role of the state. what he wanted was to redirect the role of the state away from mercantilism, more efficient role. you know, that's my comment. the question is that adam smith had a lot of confidence in markets, you know, clearly. this is very central. at the same time, he was very skeptical about merchants, lots of statements, you know, through the wealth of nations and so forth. so my question, if you were leaving today after two years of financial market chaos, you know, what role would he assign to the state in terms of regulations? >> may i make a preface before you give your answer? is. >> of course you can. >> i'd give one addendum to your comment which smith was certainly quite critical of merchants, but he was critica