toetit.s eventually something around its finally, aftui t at tnqhislize thing, they d't know where i camefrom, but theyid move it where else. latest winner on the "r" ipad give. >> you could win too. ustu jhese thuray's buz ssentially aea ada.?j for the" t kn ha tngs lik?]?? don't woee here s dotang. >> it leoodes w. see bob hit all t left-hand si. w he can see notng through is. just moves t the right. >> runsight into the earth. >>olut br there were people around, spectators. seng thathappen they come runnin up. m byrm gs off tcourse. super dangerousfter ash but it is still an active e drag e t i's got?' serious injuries. >>ld a i wouue against that. this comeesom asks -- >> are you okay? >> no, pain. >> he's in sch pain can . they call an ambulance. around this point is where i think he goes for his priorities. he asks -- 9 >> is my go pro on? >> that a boy. >> did i get the footage? >> how is >> you will be amazed to hear that basically he hadbr sing, well, everywhere. legs, heels, ribs. the worst was? rlly sprained right ankle and broke his right little toe. >> that's it? >> yeah