it's camie "the colbert report" camel, everybody. lause) now camie and i, camie and i met at a party last year, i forget when t was sometime in very, very late october. it was the same night i met my good friend batmans and sexy pirate. but we have been insparable ever since. isn't that right, camie. yeah. well, girl, girl, i'm afraid i've got some bad news. you might want to sit down. (laughter) camie, camie, i'm afraid this is the end. not you, no, camie, it's not you. it's me being deathly afraid of you. (laughter) but don't you give me that look. don't you give me that look. you know the one that's always on your face because it never moves. camie this is bound to happen. and plus it's just costing me too much money anyway. i don't know why a camel needs to stay at the ritz carleton. in two different rooms. i got say for someone who has got a humpful of water you sure go through a lot of minibarbour bon. in fact, camie, i'm going to have to ask you for my credit card back. so i guess this is good-bye. but camie, before we go, mayb