camerecently, john kasich out and supported same-sex marriage and said he did not want to overturn the recent court rulings on it. most of our history came early on. there was a wing in the early 1980's, specifically in california. i interviewed a guy who is very active in the late 1970's and early 1980's. he told me a story about ed davis, who used to be the police chief of los angeles and he used to close the gay bars. he became a state senator and the log cabin republicans of california lobbied him to support a gay-rights bill, an antidiscrimination bill that later got vetoed by the governor, but it came full circle. >> what are some of the hurdles they have faced? clayton: they are vastly outnumbered by the homophobic wing of the party. at the turn of the 20th century -- the 21st century rather. they had about 21,000 members. there were churches in california that had more people than the entire national organization. there are often candidates like say giuliani who will something in support of lgbt a quality, but when they have to choose between religious rights or log cabin repub