. -- supervisor camerkim to get se help. there are always vacancies. people age and die. it has never been brought to some people's attention, housing that has become vacant. she has had nothing to do with who comes into the vacancies. it is being done by the management corporation. so please, hud is difficult, very corrupt. i urge you to look into this. there is a reason these lists do not go down. nobody talks about it. if you do a survey, you would have to do it anonymously because people are afraid to speak out. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker please. >> hello, my name is karen mason. my partner turn 60 -- turns 60 next year. it took for six years to get on the section 8 program. after a few years in the program, she had to buy it to keep her apartment because section 8 wanted her to move into different housing. so we had to get doctors to talk to hud. we belong to neighborhood groups. i think it is important for everyone to live where they are comfortable. it is very important for people to be able to go to their doctors appointments and things. if it is more c