in cameroon, 20 are killed. unable to afford basic supplies, people increasingly turn to the forests for food. june 2008, deep in a remote region of cameroon, two hunters stalk their prey. their names are patrice and patty. they're searching for bush meat. forest animals they can kill to feed their families. they set out most days to go out hunting in the forests around their homes. they have a series of traps, of snares that they've set up. they'll catch wild pigs, snakes, monkeys, rodents. anything they can really. pat ris and patty have been out for hours but found nothing. the animals are simply gone. not too far away, dr. sanjay gupta is with another hunter. but he, too, is finding his traps empty. >> it really gives you an idea of just how hard it is to actually get even a little bit of food. diddy, who is trying to provide enough food for nine people tonight, he doesn't really care what he gets at this point as long as he gets something. i can tell you, we still have a long ways to go. it is hot, it is hu