. >> vice president caminong. >> here yoochl commissioner perez is a little late. we will let everyone know when he appear. commissioner thomas. >> here. >> commissioner wang. >> here. >> commissioner falzon is excused. >> thank you very much the first order is consideration and possible action to adopt a resolution making findings to allow teleconference under code section 54953e. do we have a motion to adapt this resolution? >> so moved. >> is there a second? >> second. >> all right is there public comment on this item? >> there are no public comments. >> all right. public comment is closed we can have a vote. president bleiman >> aye >> vice president cam among >> aye >> commissioner thomas. >> aye. >> commissioner wang. >> aye. >> resolution has been approved the next is number 2 general public comment and this is any member of the public whoments to speak on items not on today's agenda. do we have general public comment? >> there are no public comments for this item. >> all right. we will close that agenda item number 3, approval of minuteses for the july 19th