if you think about one of the ads that you showed earlier, the windsurfing ad, there was another campania add to that, where john kerry was speaking to the camera and he said, i voted -- before that against it. i think both of those were produced for a quickly and were produced very inexpensively. not pretend money behind it, but they were the most impactful ads by the campaign. backhat is been true going certainly at least a decade. that having the , it isiggest ad budget actually not true in this cycle, but it has not been true for a while now. it is really about driving our media. on agendas understand that, and part of what is driving this is americans now spend more time in front of screens than ever before. we have added two hours on average to the amount of time we are in front of a screen, not just women tv, a lot of it is on iphone or some other device. there is more and more coming up people for more and more directions. and, it contributes to this environment where the media is not as relevant and donald trump can dominate through the social channels. one of things you guys did