. -- canby's votes be called in. i quit my commission because i and another commissioner, we both great, because we saw on our commission votes being called in. he has a right to stay as our sheriff. >> my name is jim. i've had the privilege of knowing ross for over seven years. he was my supervisor and i aggressively supported him in his run for sheriff. when i walked into the room, there was a woman speaking very passionately on his behalf. i could say did go on everything that she said. instead, i would like to take a slightly different point of view. i also serve on the district attorney's community board on low-level crimes and getting restored a justice process. we brought in a speaker from oakland who gave a very informative speech about how restorative justice is really what we are after. not only with misdemeanors and infractions, but they should be front and center in our minds with more important crimes. after lunch, i asked the district attorney, isn't this almost a poster child case of -- clearly, someth