cancer treatment centers of amememerica, i felt like they really cared about me. i met my team of doctors and my care management team. they helped me manage the side effects of my treatment. the most important thing is that miriam knows that her team is doing everything they can to look out for her, to make sure she has treatment options. in miriam's case surgery, than a year since my diagnosis and i'm back with my students. i feel like i have so much to give them now. if i get to live another day or one hundred years, i want to make that time count. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at captioning sponsored by cbs >> has this ever happened to you? donald trump has been elected president! you're understandably upset, but now there's a way to get through the day. >> hi, i'm patton oswalt, and you're probably feeling some uncontrollable rage. well, now you can swallow th bitter results with "choke it down." "choke it down's" patented fiber bundled technology absorbs your screams of anguish and locks them away, so you can live a