candace owen joins us with reaction. i would love to see someone die in this country without getting a lecture posthumously. you died because of smoking, didn't get the vax, driving that suv. can't we acknowledge death is a sad thing, give it the reverence, and move on? >> not if you're a member of the democratic party, because they're psychopaths. this is the same ideology that takes place with school shootings. wait a minute, there are schoolchildren that are dead, you need give us more power. the fact they think about consuming more power, when tragedy strikes, is an example of they're utter psychopaths. what's going on is extreme tragedy, but it's a natural tragedy. the earth has hurricanes. if there was no human beings that walked the face of the planet there would continue to be hurricanes, blizzards, and tornadoes. there's in lobby that should be laughed at harder than the climate lobby, because they keep being wrong. when i was a kid, i was tole it was global warming. hide under your desks, kids, the polar bears