supervisor yee. >> i also want to lend good words to candace wong. she is somebody that i know very, very well. her and i actually worked in the same organization for many years as we built and grew the organization to serve not only the chinatown and tenderloin community, but beyond that and citywide and she knows a lot about early childhood education and just a perfect person to be part of the cpac. i am really glad she is willing to continue serving on it, because it's very time-consuming. i hope you all support her. >> thank you. colleagues can we take this item same house, same call? without objection, the motion is approved unanimously. [ gavel ] >> item 22. >> item 22 is a motion appointing priti rane, residency requirement waved to the food certificate to affect. >> same house same cout, approved unanimousingly. let's go to roll call for introduction. >> supervisor campos is first to introduce new business. >> thank you, very much, madam clerk. colleagues recently there have been a variety of food and worker safety, as well as racial and gend