. >> civil rights attorney candice gorman agreed to argue nate's case. >> you know, we've had such aagic history here in illinois of convicting people who did not do crimes and coverups by the chicago police department. and i liked the whole idea of going after the police department for framing what i thought was another innocent person. i said, nate, let's start out with this. i know you think there's a street file, and i know that you are thinking that it's still out there and that you're going to get it. that was 26 years ago, and that file does not exist anymore. trust me, nate, it does not exist. famous last words. >> candice filed her lawsuit in 2010. among other claims, accusing detectives of hiding nate's street files in order to frame him for murder. >> in a federal lawsuit, you file for discovery. about six months into the lawsuit, i got the first couple boxes of documents from the city. and i had a law clerk at the time, and i asked her if she'd go through and catalog what was in there. maybe an hour later she came in and said, candice, i think you want to see something th