. >>, the machine cando it while g other tasks. maria: grady, thank you. to all of this. when i did my a.i. special a couple weeks ago, i ended the piece on this idea that we'll be co-habitatting with robots. there's a.i. and there's agi artificial general intelligence when a computer can take on everything that a human does. it's fascinating. >> i don't think we need to fear brobot culture. as as he said, we've got this job market where companies cannot find the workers. so there's always concern, whether technology is going to replace us, but the history is that new technologies destroy some jobs but create many more. maria: i think it's also important to recognize that when we were in the dot-com boom and the dot-com bust, we didn't know half of the jobs that would be created. so a lot of companies were adopting to this new digital world and that meant some jobs going away. we didn't know about coders, engineering jobs, we didn't know about people that mine and organize day a take. there will be jobs -- data. there will be jobs created that we don't kno