nine nine nine nine three for for for just just yes yeah canidae. i spent. forty three three nine nine nine nine she's. that also is a subject of enormous. the idea in the public. during during nine nine ninety eight year of your when are are also generally and i only when they were little. and political as long. ryan are there other members and our services were [inaudible] it works. explosives on how many people. not not thing about valley. from to sound out one one two two six zero zero four presidents george. bush in the white house [inaudible] as as a result she was sorry for three years it was it was ross ross would eliminate nations senses easily because i travel around on airforce one on all the countries in the world. with president george bush [inaudible] i want. tax services have. from the latter. from bundling here he howls of that action. three for your last letter weighing five one and a half years later house. i was nominated yard because of the seasonal circuit. i was i was already that the white house yep yep. she just has a mini. i sat set