was particularly interested in an overseas study that said oils made from a cannabis compound, cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive element in marijuana, seemed to be effective in reducing seizures a friend put page in touch with a grower. together, they made the oil for charlotte. >> she is catatonic in a wheelchair, on oxygen, on a feeding tube and i put it in her feeding tube, the oil. in a measured amount, very low dose to start and just waited to see if it would work. and she stopped seizing. so, she didn't have a seizure for seven days. didn't have 300 seizures that week. nothing else had ever done that >> time out. she is having 300 seizures a week. you think she's going to die, right? and you introduce this -- for the very first time, and it just stops? >> yep. her seizures stop and she didn't have a side effect. >> reporter: that was then. >> where are you going? up the trail? >> reporter: this is now. >> what are you doing? [ screaming ] >> reporter: that squeal of joy is from the now-8-year-old charlotte, or charlie, as her family calls her, speeding through the pine trees of colorad