>> the other major incidents of violence is two days later in canton mississippi. a few days before the end of the march. and of few days after the of philadelphia of riots. there was a petition to the federal government the state of mississippi is not adequately protecting us. we need protection national guard or u.s. marshals or other personnel. is essentially they were ignored by johnson. he had seen urban riots and a big controversy that seemed to stigmatize black families in a couple of weeks but johnson kept his distance from the grass roots organization. he basically refuses to have any more federal prisons. paula jones thing gives them carte blanche to use violence into use the police to protect them but now he knows there is not federal intervention so they make up point to set up the big tent in the black community publicly. we have a right to use this land. what happens is many places along the way they say you can't but they do it anyway. when they get to camp at this point it is close to the end there is about 1,000 people participating. they come to th