candidates, and i just was speaking with the held of the dialysis unit in a huge, vast hospital in capetown, he has to turn away four out of every five people. and so the question is, well, hold up do we do it? i offered that example because they actually at some point the doctor said we need, you know, the government to sort of step up here, because they're the ones not funding us for more slots and create some sort of a transparent system so we're not just doing this ad hoc and discriminating against people. you can imagine appar tiled south africa who got those slots. so recently they came up with about -- maybe in the last five year withs, they sat down and got cysts at the table and the doctors and the nurses and the social workers and hashed out some sort of system. trust me, not great because they're still turning away the same number of people, but at least they can face people and say here's what we're doing and why. >> i just want to make one distinction. there's a distinction between withholding dialysis and injecting something to kill somebody. while i was a resident doctor at b