. -- capital la paz. five days a week he works the night light district. in the seedy bars and clouds he sells cigarettes for 25 cents apiece. sales picked up as the night advances. henry has to know where and where not to go. >> there are lots of criminals. organized gangs. and for me, they are the biggest danger. >> henry has been doing this since he was 8, so he knows the territory. and he knows about the police. if they catch him, they will take his money away and his cigarettes. working children do not count for much in bolivia, and what he does is illegal. henry bring some the equivalent of about four euros and night. this is where he and his family lived. lunch is rice, onions, and japan. -- and chicken. nine square meters for four people. henry, his two sisters, and their mother teodora. there is room for two mattresses and a stove, and not much else. his mother gets just 75 euros a year in support from the state. it is not enough. >> so that we have something to eat every day, all the children have to work. they do not have a father anymore. he le