that whole belieief where south dakota stack up with respect to students in the classroom or, um, capitatal out lay, or, um,cost of l living coared to surrounding states, things like that. ere's ve good data. they pull ad lot of information together the recommendation, um, identified that it will takeapproximately 75 million-dollars of on going money to bring south dakota from 50 or 51st in the nation to 36th to 38th in the nation,ompensation-wise. i've been an advocate for increasing teacher pay, not been in a position to have much influence over that until i've beenn the legislature. we'll see where the fund canning come from. >>>> how might that actualllly total up to somebody's wallet at the end of the year? if that does go through life ththat blue ribbon panel has proposed, what additional funding might a teacher see i their back pocket? >> that's a good point. it equates tpproximately 75 million-dollars is funded, approximately on average 8,000-dollars per teacher. so it's realoney. >> that would be a significant increase for all of those folks in the state of south dakota. let's talk