your back taxes, on top of being an illegal, your tax cheat, that's similar to what happened to al capone. he said i will pay my taxes, i didn't know my head -- i did know i had to. if somebody is in this country, working around taxes, many illegals are working and paying their taxes, but if they are working around taxes with an employer paying cash under the table, i have a tax cheat who is an employer and an illegal who is working around it for all cash and taking all of the cash. you are telling me we should allow them to remain here? that is a logical. what i have said all along from the time president bush said there are some jobs americans will not do, i have said i have no problems with quotas and even millions of guest workers if there are america it -- if there are jobs americans won't do, once they know those jobs are available and american citizens and premier residents get first dibs at those jobs. that's the way it is everywhere else in the world. the only reason it's not that way in america is we don't know when you are putting 50 people on for a roofing job, you don't know